Empty Bowl Painting
Help Support Our Community
Event Date: Saturday, February 22nd
Time: 1:00 to 4:00
We are limited to 20 painters.
$22 includes a chance to paint a bowl and a general admission ticket to the Good Samaritan event on 4/03/25.
100% of all funds collected (all $22) will go to Good Samaritan Ministries.
More about the Good Samaritan event:
This year's Empty Bowls Project will be held Thursday, April 3rd, 2025 from 11:30 to 2:00 at the Brownwood Coliseum.
If you are unfamiliar with the Empty Bowls Project, it is an incredible community-wide fundraising event whose purpose is to raise funds and awareness of hunger both locally and globally. Ninety percent of everything raised at this event will stay in Brown County to help our friends and neighbors who are food-insecure.
Everyone coming together to help their neighbor is the heartbeat of a community. #iamgoodsam